Category: The Blog

Shooting the Surf in Hawaii

Tips for capturing the perfect wave Hawaii is a surfing paradise. Known for its world-famous surf breaks and beautiful beaches that attract thousands of people from all over the world. If you’re planning on shooting the surf in Hawaii, there’s a plethora of things to keep in mind when you’re attempting to capture the perfect […]

Capturing the Beauty of Hawaii’s Beaches

A Guide to Beach Photography Techniques Hawaii is home to some of the most breathtaking beaches in the world, each with its unique charm and beauty. The islands of Hawaii offer endless opportunities for beach photography. However, capturing the perfect shot requires a little bit of skill and technique. Here’s some tips and techniques in […]

Creating a Photography Portfolio that Stands Out

Creating a photography portfolio is an important step in showcasing your work and attracting potential clients. Whether you are a professional photographer or just starting out, having a portfolio is essential for sharing your best work and demonstrating the skills you hone. Here are some tips for creating a photography portfolio that stands out: 1. […]

Developing your Photography Style

Photography is a beautiful art form that allows us to capture moments, emotions, and stories in a single frame. Every photographer has a unique style that sets them apart from others. Developing your photography style can be a challenging and rewarding process, but it requires time, effort, and practice. Here’s some helpful tips and tricks […]

Shooting in RAW Format

Shooting in RAW format is a crucial aspect of digital photography that every photographer should understand. RAW is an uncompressed image file format that captures all the data recorded by the camera’s sensor without any processing or compression. This makes it an essential tool for photographers who want to have complete control over the post-processing […]

You Shouldn’t Worry About Camera Brands

When it comes to photography, many beginners can get caught up in the hype of camera brands. It’s understandable, as there are so many options available with various features, capabilities, and price points. However, it’s important to remember that the brand of camera you use is just a small piece of the puzzle. Here’s why […]

Best Ocean Photography Spots on Oahu, Hawaii

Oahu, Hawaii is a paradise for ocean photography enthusiasts. The island boasts stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean, making it an ideal destination for capturing breathtaking ocean photos. Here are the best ocean photography spots on Oahu, Hawaii: 1. Lanikai Beach Located on the east coast of Oahu, Lanikai Beach […]

Must-Know Photography Tips for Beginner Photographers

So you decided to finally jump into the realm of professional photography? or Your boyfriend (or girlfriend) just bought you a brand new DSLR or Mirrorless camera? Here are FIVE of must-know photography tips for beginner photographers! But first, Exposure! Before diving into these helpful tips head first, I want to iterate the importance of […]